Dr. Ronald M. Gomer USNR
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Ronald Morris Gomer, Capt. US Navy (Ret); beloved husband, father & grandfather. Born in Philadelphia, PA on 03/10/1933, passed away peacefully in Saint Petersburg, FL on 12/23/2023; surrounded lovingly by his closest, surviving family members: his wife Elaine "Angel" Gomer, son Glenn Gomer (Barbara), his granddaughters: Marlo Rose Gomer & Natalie Elise Gomer, his daughter Suzette Fulton (Federico). He was 90 "years young"! Lived a very healthy, active lifestyle alongside his beautiful bride Elaine "Angel " Gomer over their 66 years of marriage.
His military career of 34 years as a Dentist in the US Navy, & as a Diplomate in Periodontics; during which (in addition to many duty stations), he was aboard US Naval ships: USS Frontier AD-25 & most notably the USS Enterprise CVN-65; the 1st nuclear powered aircraft carrier , nicknamed "The Big E". His tours of duty were many in US & overseas; most notably in Rota, Spain. Due to his patriotic service; he received several medals of honor. Being of philanthropic & charitable nature he volunteered for the US Coast Guard as a vessel safety inspector & also for many years at MacDill AirForce Base Hospital (many capacities); for which he received many awards! His was a life well-lived & he was loved. His earthly presence certainly missed! May he rest in the wings of angels; our dear, sweet, wonderful patriarch!!! Fair winds & following seas!!
Funeral Sunday 01/02/2024 at 11 AM.