Matthew B. Biathrow
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It is with great sadness that the family of Matthew B. Biathrow age 52, announce his passing from injuries sustained in a pedestrian accident of Wednesday, November 7, 2018.
Matthew was welcomed into the world to Burton and Barbara (Downing) Biathrow on September 24, 1966 in Hanover, NH. A native of Lebanon, Matt attended Keene State College, and graduated in 1989 with a BA degree. A natural born scholar, he had a passion for learning and teaching. After finishing college he worked for Geographic Data Technologies and Medical Media, where he was able to use his skills of thinking outside of the box and teaching. In 2006 Matt completed the DHMC surgical scrub program, working in orthopedics, until an allergy to the disinfectants required for his job rendered him unable to continue. Matt had many talents, one of which was music, he played acoustic guitar, flute and trumpet. He was a woodworker and at one time had a small order business with the Music Stand, selling foot stools he designed in the shape of a guitar, musical note and hearts. He loved the outdoors, prefering walking and bicycling for his transportation. One of his many accomplishments was completing the entire Appalachian Trail in 1997, starting in March on Springer Mtn. in Georgia. His presence amongst us brought great joy.
Matthew was preceded in death by his father, Burton H. Biathrow, in March 2018. He is survived by his mother, Barbara L. Biathrow, a sister, Caroline J. Biathrow-Sumner, a brother, Clifford R. Biathrow, and a sister-in-law, Denise Biathrow. A private memorial service for his friends and family will occur in May to honor his life. The family of Matthew would like to thank the Lebanon Police Dept., especially officer Ashley Mills for the kindness and support offered during the hard task of notifying loved ones of his passing, also the Ricker Funeral Home for their devoted service.
Messages of condolence may be made to Matt's family by visiting rickerfuneralhome.com.