Lotus Wenona (Huffey) Bulman
Help us celebrate Lotus! Please share your stories and photos, and invite others who remember Lotus.
Lotus Wenona (Huffey) Bulman, aged 93, passed peacefully into the arms of Jesus, her beloved Lord and Savior on the evening of July 9, 2024 at Gundersen Hospital, with family by her side.
Lotus was born at home, near Waterville, Iowa, on January 10, 1931 to Walter and Tilda (Olson) Huffey. She was the youngest of ten children. She had four brothers and five sisters: Lloyd, Vinton, Vernon, Shirley, Merle, Greta Leatrice, George, and Esther.
The family moved to Decorah when she was quite young and Lotus attended grade school there until the age of ten when the family moved back to the farm near Waterville. Lotus helped on the farm doing many jobs, both inside the home and outside. She told of how she and one of her sisters had quite a challenge when they attempted to catch the plow horses and the horses kept running away from them, from one end of the field to the other. She also told of how they had to carry water to the house from a nearby spring, year-round. Lotus enjoyed going to many county fairs with her parents as she grew up. In high school Lotus played basketball and her picture and name were constantly in the papers for the shots she made in each game. In her junior year, the Waterville team made it to the state tournament. They won one or two games, but then lost. In 1949, she received the All-State Honorable Mention as a forward and was part of the 6th All-State Team. The Waterville High girls basketball team made it to the state tourneys eight times over the years - Lotus would recall what a wonderful coach they had, and more spectators came to watch the girls play, than the boys - it may have had something to do with the skirts they wore - but they were good ball players! Lotus loved to talk about her basketball playing days - and son Scott recalled that she won a free throw competition at Caledonia High when she was in her late 40's or early 50's.
In 1946 - while riding the bumper cars at the Winneshiek County fair - a handsome young man standing nearby winked at her - and that was the start of a courtship and then engagement. Lotus graduated from Waterville High School in 1949 and then worked as a secretary in Decorah before she and Barton were married on August 20, 1950. Bart & Lotus lived on a farm near Waterville until the summer of 1953 when they purchased and moved to a farm north of Caledonia, MN. At that time, they had one child and another on the way - and within the next three years they had two more children. Now they had three sons and one daughter: Steve (1951), Bruce (1953), Wade (1955), and Vickie (1956). In the early summer of 1961, Lotus came to realize that she was a sinner and needed to trust Jesus as her Savior and Lord - and a personal relationship with Jesus began. Barton came to faith in Jesus that same day, even through they were miles apart (he was on a trip with another man in South Dakota). They didn't know until he came home - that they had each come to faith in Jesus Christ on the same day. Jesus made all the difference in their earthly lives and in the lives of their family and many, many others, for all eternity.
Over the years, Lotus and Barton milked cows, raised crops, beef cattle, chickens, and more children. They were blessed with Scott (1965) and Jeanine (1967). The old farmhouse was too small - and they worked hard to convert a granary turned-chicken house (which had at one time held 2,000 chickens!) into a six-bedroom home. Lotus did all the painting, wallpapering and staining in the "new" house. She worked many, many hours there - often until late at night, getting it ready for the family to move in.
Lotus was a smart, industrious, hard-working, loving, fun, and faithful wife and mom. She had an aptitude for wit and a great sense of humor. She liked to watch birds, grow flowers, and a big vegetable garden from which she cooked, froze and canned many things to feed her growing family. Over the years she sewed clothes for her children and then grandchildren (along with making teddy bears and stuffed dogs for them as well). She also made many beautiful quilts, crocheted pretty doilies and other things, loved to play Scrabble (and she liked to win), and she would tell and write stories about times in her life. She was a good baker. Barton, her kids and everyone who ate any of her pies - always agreed that she made the best apple pie of any they had ever tasted. She also made yummy chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake and other goodies. Her homemade bread -fresh out of the oven - was a super treat with butter lathered on it. ?? Lotus loved being with family and friends - and she welcomed all and everyone who came into her home to join them for a meal. As one of her grandchildren said recently, "You never went away hungry!" Daughter Jeanine has said "Mom and Dad's home was like a revolving door for people" and everyone who knew Lotus (and Bart!) would agree. Their home was warm and welcoming.
Because of Jesus in her heart and life, our mom Lotus was full of love. She thought of others before herself, was very practical and careful with resources, not splurging on herself. She always said it was her Scotch genes coming through, yet she was generous with others. Mom was a strength and a beacon of light to all of us. Her steady faith, courage and love was a comfort and inspiration for many. She prayed, constantly, for all her family, friends and many others. Lotus and her beloved husband, Barton, were blessed by the Lord to have celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary this past August before his passing into eternity on September 14th , 2023.
Lotus is survived by her sons, Bruce (Diane) and Scott (Ellen) and their families; her daughters, Vickie (Dennis, deceased) Roeske and Jeanine (Oyvind) Lorentzen and their families; her daughters by marriage, Denise (Steven, deceased; Kent) Bummert and LeeAnne (Wade, deceased) Bulman and their families; her adopted by faith daughter, Kerry (Ron) Meiners; her adopted by faith son, Arnet Holty; and her foster daughter Jill Field. Lotus's surviving family includes 18 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and many wonderful nieces and nephews who loved her as their "favorite aunt." We were all so blessed to have had Lotus in our lives and we thank God that she was ours. She is, and will continue to be, missed greatly. But we know that she is at perfect peace with Jesus, and free from all pain-completely whole and happy.
She is reunited with many loved ones who also knew Jesus, who had gone on into eternity before her. The family members greeting Lotus in heaven when she arrived there were her beloved Barton, her sons, Steven and Wade; her grandson Travis Bulman; and her son by marriage, Dennis Roeske. What rejoicing there must have been at that reunion!
A private burial with the family was held on Thursday, July 11th at the Trinity Cemetery near Spring Grove, MN.
The family is grateful to the wonderful staff at Gundersen La Crosse for their compassionate care of Mom during her final days and to the Roble Funeral Home of Spring Grove for their prompt and tender assistance with burial arrangements. We also want to thank our precious brothers and sisters in Christ at the Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Spring Grove, MN, for their help and care in preparing for, and during, this day of remembering mom. We are grateful to everyone who came today; and to those who were praying for mom and are now, praying for our family. We love you and thank you. May the Lord bless you richly.
Memorial services were held on Sunday, July 14, 2024 at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Spring Grove, at 3:00 P.M. Reverend Tommy Case officiated. Friends called from 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. at the Church.
Roble Funeral Home of Spring Grove assisted the family with arrangements.