Edith Miller
Her line was "you can't throw that away because you never know when you might need that exact thing" even if it was a bent rusty nail or.
She was one of a kind. Being half Dutch and half German stubborn was the only way someone could describe her. My mom tells the story about my grandmother wanting a bathtub. The problem was that all tubs are 6 feet long and she only had room for 5 feet. She took a sledgehammer to a tin tub and bend the oblong end up until it fit in. My mom also tells that every Memorial Day my grandmother would decide that the basement needed clean out and haul everything out into the yard only to put it all back in never throwing anything away. Then there was the time she decided that Corry was charging to much for water and was going to drill her own well. She bought a 25 foot piece of pipe and thought that on top of hill she was going to hit water. She never did drill the well. Then there was the time that she was coming into the driveway with the Model A and hit an icy spot and put the porch post in between the bumper and the frame of the car. The neighbors had to take the post down to get it out. There was also the time that the neighbor boy shook sod in the face of their dog and bite him. The chief of police, who was also there neighbor, and kids grandfather came up to tell my grandmother they were going to have kill the dog since the vet couldn't remember giving him a rabies shot. My grandmother put the chief of police and grandfather off her property and toldd them they were not killing her dog. She told the grandfather to take his grandson down to the doctor and she would pay the bill. The doctor came out into the lobby and looked at the kid and told them it was only a scratch and go home. My grandmother than went down to the vet's and just walked in his exam room and told him he had better get his records straight that he had given the dog his shots. A couple of weeks later my grandmother was out visiting her sister Bertha and Billy, her husband, had to call the vet out to help a cow give birth. Uncle Billy invite the vet to come up to the house for some coffee and and vet kept saying no thanks. Finally Uncle Billy asked him what the problem was and he pointed at my grandmother and said he couldn't because of that woman, meaning my grandmother. He was still afraid of my grandmother chewing him out. Growing up she had to go shopping every Friday and it almost always involved looking for the perfect vacuum cleaner without spending more than $25.00 on it. We had two stores in Warren, KMart and Hill's, both on opposite ends of town, about 30 minutes apart and you had to go to one and then the other to see if there's was cheaper and usually back to the first because it was cheaper. When you got home the vacuum wasn't what she wanted and you would have to go out next week repeating the same thing. She never did find that right vacuum. The only good thing about all this was it always ended with lunch at Sunrise Resturant.