Deryn J. Fulton
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Deryn Fulton lived life well from 1947 to February 28, 2021. She was a doer not watcher. Her husband, Bill, and son, Chris, miss the adventures. The hallmark of her life was uplifting the prospects of all she touched. Her smile filled the room with warmth and joy.
Deryn was born in Penticton, BC. She excelled at sports and swam to the BC breast stroke championship. Her background in sports led to pursuing a physical education degree at Western Washington University. Skiing was her passion and resulted in a position as instructor at Mt. Baker. In 1972, she was the only woman to pass the full certified ski instructor test in the Rocky Mountain Zone. She frequently helicoptered and snowcat skied.
Skiing led to meeting and marrying Bill Fulton in 1969. The love affair lasted 52 years. In 1970, she joined her Lt. Fulton in Korea where she taught English to Korean Bankers. She went on to teach in LA and MT. Later she taught in Bothell where she rewrote the middle school sex education curriculum. In later years, she volunteered at Planned Parenthood.
Her career shifted to the private sector when she took over management of a failing community recreation facility. In three years, she rebuilt the infrastructure, turned the finances around and changed the ethic to one of success.
Deryn purchased Snohomish and Monroe travel and started the Inn at Snohomish. She was the spark plug generating success. She lived up to her nick name `Rooting Tooting Derynundefined
In 1987, she was blessed by the birth of her son Christopher. She brought the same energy to parenting and participated in Snohomish Schools support organizations.
Swimming was her cornerstone sport. She jumped into Snohomish Swimming by painting the outdoor tank at Hal Moe pool each spring. She served and chaired the Parks Board and was also active in Stingray Swimming. Her son, Christopher, was one of the first male All American High School Swimmers at Snohomish.
The later years wore on Deryn as she suffered from dementia for the last twelve years of her life. The Alzheimerundefineds Association guided her through this period. Remembrances should be directed to the Association 800-272-3900.
On August 22, from 12 noon to 3pm a celebration of life will be held at the Snohomish Senior Center, 506 4th Ave. Snohomish. You are cordially invited to share a moment remembering Derynundefineds well lived life.