Cindy Lou Ann Roland
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Cindy Lou Ann (Goodger) Roland, aged 63 of Cassopolis, Michigan passed on August 14, 2024, at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan after her battle with cancer.
Cindy was born on November 12,1960 in Kalamazoo, Michigan to parents Joseph Leo Goodger and Katherine Geneva (Matlock) Goodger.
Cindy was an avid dancer and loved her music. She was an excellent seamstress and artist, and as she grew older, she discovered her love for PC games in her free time.
Cindy was blessed with three beautiful daughters, Virginia (Tim) Maschman of Daykin, Nebraska, Katherine Searing of Hebron, Nebraska, and Lacey Schoenbeck of Western, Nebraska.
Cindy is also mourned by her grandchildren, Jerry Duke III of Fairbury, Nebraska, Jake Weldy of Elkhart, Indiana, Lillian Searing of Fairbury, Nebraska, Miles Maschman of Daykin, Nebraska, Cora Maschman of Daykin, Nebraska, and Charley Schoenbeck of Western, Nebraska.
Cindy will be severely missed by her longtime partner, Jeff Hensley, along with friends and family.
She is survived by her mother K. Geneva Goodger of Cassopolis, Michigan, four brothers, Ron (Debbie) Goodger of Cassopolis, Michigan, Jesse Goodger of Cassopolis, Michigan, Terry (Evelyn) Goodger of Cassopolis, Michigan, Jerry Goodger of Vandalia, Michigan, two sisters, Peggy Payne (Richard Mills) of Elkhart, Indiana, and Molly (Joe) Crowell of Edwardsburg, Michigan.
Cindy is preceded in death by her three husbands, Thomas Searing, Harold Carter, and James "Rick" Roland. As well as her father Joseph Leo Goodger, sister Rose (Goodger) Will, and brother Larry Goodger, and son-in-law, Adam Schoenbeck of Western, Nebraska.
There will be a graveside service at Birch Lake Cemetery 62307-62309 James Road, Vandalia, Michigan 49095 on Saturday August 31st, 2024, at 10:00 am with a family reunion - memorial dinner at Calvin Township Hall 18693 Mt. Zion Street Cassopolis, Michigan 49031 at 2:00 pm.
Memorials will be directed by family's choice.