Agnes (Nan) Cunningham Farley
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Nan Farley, most recently of Wilmington, North Carolina, passed away in her sleep on June 11, 2024, aged 98. She had spent the prior weekend with a house full - four generations of her family were together to celebrate her over a beautiful weekend in Wilmington.
Nan was the beloved wife of Paul Emerson Farley, who predeceased her in 2020. She was the mother of John Farley of Wilmington, NC, Nancy Marshall (Peyton) of Lincoln, MA and Carolyn Farley of Castle Hayne, NC. She was Nana to her grandchildren William Marshall of New York, NY, Elizabeth Casasola (Marcel) of New Brunswick, NJ, Ian Marshall (Hannah) of Phoenix, AZ and Charlotte Marshall of Boston, MA. The newest star in Nana's galaxy was young Theodore Paul (Teddy) Marshall, her first great-grandchild, born to Ian and Hannah in October, 2023.
Agnes Christina Cunningham was born in Camden, New Jersey on October 24, 1925 to John Duncan Cunningham and Margaret McLennan Cunningham. She spent the majority of her youth and young adult life in Syracuse, New York, attending Nottingham High School followed by both undergraduate and graduate school at the Syracuse University School of Nursing. Nan was a part of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps at Syracuse in the 1940's with financial support from the GI Bill for her education. Upon graduation, she worked first as a pediatric nurse at Syracuse Memorial Hospital and later in the office of Dr. Gordon Hoople, a highly respected pioneer in otolaryngology, specifically working with patients suffering from hearing loss, many of them veterans from WWII, with war-related hearing injuries.
Nan knew Paul Farley through multiple channels ~ he was a local handyman in his youth, performing odd jobs in their neighborhood. They attended the same schools and Paul's older sister was closer in age to Nan. At one point, Nan and Paul were both in the same wedding party. Dr. Hoople said to her "Maybe you'll meet someone nice at the wedding," to which Nan responded "with my luck, I'll be seated next to Paul Farley..." They were seated together at the reception. Six months later Paul proposed to Nan at a stop sign. Dr. Hoople walked Nan down the aisle on her wedding day, August 31, 1957, her father having died in 1955.
Paul's work in manufacturing took Nan and their family to many cities ~ Greensburg, PA; Springfield, OH; Memphis, TN and then back to Springfield, where they remained for over 30 years, finally building their dream home in the early 1980's. Every move included a box of yarn and fabric remnants, as Nan was never far from her sewing machine and knitting needles. They traveled abroad many times, enjoyed spectating at golf tournaments and taking cruises. They were both avid golfers. They relocated to Wilmington, NC to be closer to family in 2004. Throughout their travels, Nan was an active volunteer. In Springfield, she worked with Young Women's Mission/Planned Parenthood, as a resident companion at Clark Memorial Home, at Christ Episcopal Church, where she was an active parishioner and often Chair of their Annual Bazaar, and with the Springfield Art Museum. During their time in Wilmington, Nan was an active parishioner and volunteer at St. Andrews-on-the-Sound.
Nan's love of the ocean and beaches of New England were satisfied for many years via travels to Nantucket and later to Cape Cod to visit children and grandchildren. Many Sundays after church in Wilmington included a drive to Wrightsville Beach to see the water before heading home. Right before she died she asked if there were lobster and shrimp in Heaven, and the response was there is no cholesterol, no calories so just have fun!
The Farley/Marshall family are deeply grateful for the support of so many friends, family and care providers who accompanied Nan and us on her wondrous life's journey. Special thanks to Dr. Audrey Surak, the staff at New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Porters Neck Village CNA's (Debra Colon, Edith Browne, Brenda Thomas, and Amelia Banks), Gloria Williams, Jessie Tai and Selene Moss, and the clergy at St. Andrews On-the-Sound Episcopal Church.
A celebration of Nan's life will be held on Saturday, September 14, 10:30am at St. Andrews On The Sound Episcopal Church, 101 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC. Contributions in lieu of flowers in Nan's memory may be made to:
The Rocking Horse Community Health Center, 651 S Limestone St, Springfield, OH 45505 (https://www.rockinghorsecenter.org/);
St. Andrews On-The-Sound Episcopal Church, 101 Airlie Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403 (https://www.standrewsonthesound.org/);
or the Syracuse University Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, 306 Walnut Pl, Syracuse, NY 13210 (https://syracuse.kappaalphatheta.org/).